Photo Credit: The Declaration Staff
Class of 2018 personalize their graduation caps.
Dear the Class of 2022,
As my graduation slowly rolls around the corner and I prepare my farewell to Colonia High, I can’t help but think of the Class of 2022.
As a current senior, I can’t help but to think back to my freshman year at this time. I had a million questions in my head, but I never sought out answers, being way too timid and shy. I was a small fish in a huge pond and I didn’t know where to start. So, I’m writing this in hopes that it helps any incoming freshmen that may also feel like small fish in a ridiculously large pond.
Here is some advice that I wish someone had given me when I was a freshman.
1. High School isn’t really that big of a change
2. Your grades are important, but your mental well being should always come first
3. Be nice to your teachers
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With love,
the Class of 2018